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Looking for the complete package with boiler? Here is the Single Brewer and the Twin Brewer!
The Marco SP9 is one of the few products on the market that allows baristas to create consistent pourover coffee. Taking pourover coffee to the next level with an under-counter boiler that takes up minimal counter space and an eye-catching brew head, the SP9 allows you to extend your coffee offerings from single origin coffees to custom blends brewed one at a time for every customer.
Simply set your water volume and brew time and you’re ready to create a fresh Chemex or Hario coffee for the customer. Maintaining the same level of consistency and quality in every brew, the SP9 is an unrivaled single-serve brewer.
*Does not contain brewing devices or filters. Contains head(s) and under-counter boilers only.
Utilizing an innovative design strategy, the SP9 keeps the water circulating between the brew head and the boiler at all times to generate a stable water temperature for every brew cycle.
As brewing is sensitive to even slight changes in water temperature, this system ensures repeatable results and unvarying quality that businesses can build a reputation on.
Maintaining a constant water level in the chamber allows the SP9 to guarantee a predictable and steady volume for every pourover. When the valve opens to release the water, the downward brew pressure will remain constant.
This total accuracy in water volume is a built-in function that manual brewing does not have the capacity to provide. Between the SP9’s stability of water temperature and volume, baristas gain incredible control of the quality of the coffee served to every customer.