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The Importance of Having a Good Quality Commercial Coffee Grinder

The Importance of Having a Good Quality Commercial Coffee Grinder

Jan 31st 2023

When it comes to brewing coffee, there's nothing more important than picking and choosing quality coffee beans. However, turning those coffee beans into coffee grounds can be equally important, especially if you're aiming for consistency in the coffee you're serving at your coffee shop.

If you're still starting out, though, and are unsure what, exactly, are the advantages and benefits to using a quality commercial coffee grinder, then listen up as we list them below.

1. Freshly Ground Beans Are Best

Many coffee lovers will be able to tell that there's a difference between pre-ground coffee and freshly ground coffee beans. Oftentimes pre-ground coffee takes more bitter than it should. This is because it's lost most of its freshness, which results in a flavor that's more lacking compared to freshly ground coffee beans.

Grinding your beans right before brewing ensures that they get only a very limited amount of exposure to oxygen. This lack of oxidation is what allows the grounds to maintain their freshness as well as their complete flavors and aromas.

Having a commercial coffee grinder for this exact purpose ensures, then, that your customers will receive only the best and freshest brews.

2. The Grinds Are More Consistent

One of the factors that affects the flavor of your coffee is how evenly the beans are ground. After all, the size of your grounds determines the taste of your coffee, and different brewing methods usually require different grind sizes.

If you have a staple menu, then, it's important to be able to consistently grind your coffee beans into the right size, and there's no better way to accomplish this than with a commercial coffee grinder.

On the other hand, if you're still coming up with the menu for your cafe, and are experimenting with different grind sizes, then a coffee grinder can help speed up your experimentation process.

3. It Saves Your the Effort

When serving a lot of customers, manually grinding your beans on-the-spot can prove to be detrimental to your coffee shop's overall productivity. Not only does manually grinding the beans affect the stamina of your baristas, but it also doesn't ensure consistency of grind size.

Investing in a commercial coffee grinder, then, saves you a lot of the time and effort it takes to evenly grind your beans, and provide the perfect size for each brewing technique you use in your cafe.

Blade VS Burr Grinders

Now that you know the benefits of using a coffee grinder, it's also a good idea to familiarize yourself with the differences between using a blade grinder and a burr grinder.

Blade grinders look and operate very similarly to your traditional spice grinder. They make use of a propeller-like blade that you'd typically see in a blender or food processor.

The benefits to a blade grinder is that it is convenient and it's fast. The cons to a blade grinder is that it doesn't produce even grounds. Uneven grounds means that there's a higher chance of resulting in a bad-tasting brew. This isn't ideal if you're serving coffee at a coffee shop.

For that reason, burr grinders are the better option to choose when it comes to commercial coffee grinders. Burr grinders have abrasive surfaces or millstones called burr mills to grind your coffee into finer grounds. Burr grinders are generally more expensive compared to blade grinders, however the benefit in exchange for that increased price is a much better and finer brew.

Recommended Commercial Coffee Grinders

At this point, you're probably convinced that your shop needs a quality coffee grinder, especially if you want to attract regular customers to your shop. To help you out, we have a couple of commercial coffee grinders available in our store that we can't help but highly recommend.

1. Guatemala Shop Grinder

This new redesign by Mahlkönig serves as the quintessential shop grinder, perfect for batch brew, retail bags, and cupping/lab grinding. It's a burr grinder with a speed of 2900 RPM, making it incredibly fast and efficient for serving multiple customers and orders. And because it's designed and made by Mahlkönig, you can be sure that you'll be able to serve some of the highest quality coffee.

2. Hey Cafe HC-880 Bulk And Short Grinder

Now if you sell coffee grounds wholesale, this grocery style grinder by Hey Cafe is the ideal partner for your business. It has a high-performance motor that allows it to quickly grind higher volumes, and is equipped with large, long lasting steel burrs and settings that can give you precise and accurate grinds for those wholesale orders.

3. Mahlkonig EK43 Coffee Grinder

Now, if your aim is to serve coffee that's unmatched in terms of balance and clarity, then the EK43 is your best friend. Featured in cafes across the globe, this grinder is perfect for single-dose espressos, pour-overs, as well as batch brews.

If any of these three commercial coffee grinders have captured your attention, then you're more than welcome to check them out here on our website. More than these three, however, we also have other commercial coffee grinders available that you can check out and review.