Cold Brew Series (Part 2): Grinding Coffee for Cold Brew

Jun 26th 2023

Cold Brew Series (Part 2): Grinding Coffee for Cold Brew

Master the art of grinding coffee for cold brew! In this article, you will unveil the secrets to a perfect cup of cold brew coffee.

Cold brew coffee has become increasingly popular due to its smooth, low-acidity profile and refreshing taste. As with any other brewing method, grind size and consistency is vital! In this blog post, we will explore the art of grinding for cold brew, unraveling the secrets to achieving a perfect cup every time.

Whether you're a seasoned coffee aficionado or a beginner, read on to discover the key elements that will elevate your cold brew experience and help you craft delicious summer coffee drinks!

Understanding the Basics

Grinding coffee for cold brew differs from other brewing methods in that cold brew requires a coarser grind size to compensate for the extended brewing time, typically 12 to 24 hours. The coarser grind helps mitigate over-extraction, resulting in a smoother and less bitter brew.

Freshness and Storage

Coffee beans' freshness significantly impacts the quality of your cold brew. Invest in whole-bean coffee and grind it just before brewing to preserve the flavors and aromas. Store your coffee beans in an airtight container away from light, heat, and moisture to maintain their freshness for an extended period.

Investing in a Quality Grinder

To achieve consistent and precise results, invest in a quality flat burr grinder. Avoid conical burr grinders, as they produce uneven grounds that can negatively impact the extraction process. Also, consider how much cold brew you’ll be preparing. While a home user might make less than a gallon in one batch, most commercial cold brew is produced in 5 gallon or larger batches. A home grinder like the Mahlkonig X54 can produce the smaller amounts needed for a home user. For your restaurant or coffee business, though, the Mahlkonig Guatemala is a much better option. With grind speeds up to 18 grams per second, the Mahlkonig Guatemala is fast enough to grind 5 lbs of cold brew easily.



Finding the Optimal Coarseness

Experimentation is key when determining the ideal grind size for your cold brew. Start with a medium-coarse setting and adjust from there. Aim for grounds that resemble coarse sea salt or breadcrumbs. The coarser grind allows water to permeate the coffee slowly, resulting in a rich and well-balanced extraction. Using a grinder with steel burrs is necessary, as ceramic burrs will produce more fine particles which can muddy the flavor of your cold brew. With a commercial grinder like the Guatemala by Mahlkonig you’ll see a grind size for cold brew labeled on the machine. This can be thought of as a good starting point, but you may wish to adjust it.

Adapting to Your Brewing Method

Different cold brew methods and recipes will require slight adjustments to the grind size. For example, a coarser grind works well to accommodate the prolonged brewing time if you're using a slow drip cold brew tower. On the other hand, if you are brewing in smaller amounts and with a paper filter a slightly finer grind can yield excellent results.

Consistency is Key

Maintaining consistency in your grind size is essential to achieve consistent flavor profiles. Using a scale to measure your coffee beans and adjusting the grinder settings accordingly ensures you achieve the same quality with each brew. Consistency helps you fine-tune your brewing process and identify the optimal sweet spot for your taste preferences. The quality of your grinder's burrs is key here. While ceramic burrs have a longer life span, steel burrs are better at producing a coarse grind size with fewer fine particles. Choosing a company like Mahlkonig ensures you benefit from many years of research into burr material and geometry. It also makes sourcing replacement burrs easy!

Experiment and Have Fun!

Grinding coffee for cold brew is both an art and a science. Don't be afraid to experiment with different beans, roast levels, and grind sizes to discover unique flavor profiles. You can Taste and adjust to find your perfect brew. Remember, everyone's palate is unique, and the joy lies in exploring the vast possibilities.

Mastering the art of grinding for cold brew is a journey that requires patience, experimentation, and attention to detail. By understanding the basics, investing in a quality grinder, and adapting to your brewing method, you can unlock a world of rich and refreshing cold brew coffee. With consistency, freshness, and a spirit of exploration, you'll be well on your way to enjoying the perfect cup of cold brew, tailored to your taste preferences.

Brew Your Best!